Black Plum
Ripens: -10 to +18, During the Friar Season
Breeders comments: A black plum that may be harvested anytime during the Friar season, as it held for more than 4 weeks firm and sweet on the tree. It was firm and juicy with 18 brix on July 15th, and still firm and juicy with 23 brix on August 13th. The shape is perfectly globose with shiny, smooth, black skin, while the flesh is brilliant yellow. The size made 67mm in the breeding grounds while carrying a heavy crop during the 2001 season, but was overcropped and too small in 2002. Not only did this variety store exceptionally well on the tree, but it maintained perfect condition for 50 days in the cold room.
Again, the blossom produces an abundance of pollen and is very enticing to bees.